Information obligation according to § 5 Abs. 1 E-Commerce-Gesetz and Disclosure obligation according to § 25 Media Act


neonschwarz GmbH
Salzgries 2
1010 Vienna
+43 1 585 17 92

Bank details

Bank: Waldviertler Sparkasse
IBAN: AT75 2027 2000 0075 1990

Company Details

VAT number: ATU62581067 Company number: FN 278814x
MD: Franz Pernleitner
Competent court: Commercial Court Vienna
Member of the trade group
Address of the media owner: Vienna
Line of business: trade
Editorial policy: information about the goods and services of the company,
and promotion of the same
Austrian law applies:

Data contact point

You have the right to know which personal data were collected. You can reach our data information center at Email address

Right of access

Upon your written request, we will provide you with information about yourself inform stored data.

Possibility of correction or deletion

Upon your written request, we will correct inaccurate data provide or, if desired, delete them accordingly.

Right to object

You have the right to revoke your consent at any time Data processing and use of your data with effect for Future. Upon your written request, we will return your information promptly and delete completely.